Wednesday, March 25, 2009

TGC: Welcome Back, Me!

Hello there! I sincerely hope my hiatus was not a problem for anyone but myself. Judging by the amount of followers that have chosen to follow my blog thus far, I shouldn't have been missed by many. But if I was, I do apologize and am going to do my best to make it up. During my hiatus, I grew another year older, wiser, and more appreciative of the life God has granted me. My opinions have grown too and so has the way I look out at life.

In my last post, I re-posted another person's blog about the way he looks at his relationship and adultery. Hopefully, an open mind was kept while reading his blog. If not, to each its own. It is human nature to pass judgement onto others. I can only speak for myself and I chose to not judge the man in any way. He provided a different outlook on relationships. It's is not the only outlook and he certainly does not speak for every man or woman in the world, but his words were insightful. There were a ton of things I could relate to without even being married. For example, the idea of sex being a weapon is quite cliche. What one man will not do another man will. The exact same goes for women. We (men) cannot be controlled. Or at least not any self respecting man. With holding sex is somewhat of a bad idea. Not because a man is more likely to go off and cheat, but it really doesn't solve anything. He isn't getting his and you are getting yours, and the reason for not getting the sex is problably being ignored or either taken lightly. A man will be more than likely to say whatever it is to get the sex back than actually solve the problem. Therefore making that an in-effective strategy. There are more clever ways, just think!

Also, it is also true that most men have fantasies that many know will probably never come true. Out of my close friends, people I know at work, school, and generally speaking, 9.9 out of 10 from time to time think about having sex with more than one woman at a time. Its true! What is better than one thing a person loves? The answer is two things. Two scoops is better than one. Two Kim Kardashians is better than one. That's just the way it is. Capitalism and society made it that way. Sorry.

But ladies do not give up on men. Fact: Despite popular belief, Men CAN be changed. Men can change from their dog like behavior and become gentlemen worthy of the love of a good woman. But to come into a relationship thinking that you already have the tools capable of completing the task is absurd, it will take time and it will take effort. But do know before a man can change, he will have to want to change for himself or find something worth changing for. Sometimes it can be a child, sometimes it can be a woman, or it could be something all together different. But it will be his and his choice alone to make. Don't try and force it on him. You might not like the result. I've seen men walk away from their own children because a woman thought it would change who he was. I felt only really sorry for the child caught in the middle of their differences.

But the overall point of this blog was to encourage both men and women alike to think about the consequences of their actions before making critical decisions. Take an extra 5 mins and think about the next few moves available, then make your next move your best move and keep it moving. Don't end up chopped and screwed!


Esquire S.

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