Sunday, May 24, 2009

TGC: Things that should NEVER happen to You!

Hello again ladies and gentlemen. I hope this finds you all well. Today, I finally found some time to get back to my blog and back to you all. Surprisingly, I'm not really back to speak about relationships, or friendship, or anything along those lines like I have been. But today, I'm here to speak about common sense or the lack there of that has been plagueing our society for quite some time. You all know what I'm talking about. Things that happen to people and your first reaction is, "How'd the hell they let happen?" I also want to apologize to anyone that this may offend. I understand that everyone has or either knows someone that has fallen victim to these random incidents. So again I apologize.

1.) Waiting for the crosswalk signal with no cars in the area!/ Getting hit by a bus or train!

The first thing that people do that really grinds my gears is done pretty much done unconsciously. Have you ever been ready to cross the street and have found yourself waiting for the crosswalk signal, only to realize that there are no damn cars coming? I attend the University of Illinois in Urbana- Champaign and I swear this happens on a regular basis with all college students. Some how people have forgot the simplest directions for crossing a street. (Look both ways to oncoming traffic, and if there are no cars coming or moving, cross the street.) It's that simple. Sadly, people still get managed to wait 3 to 5 minutes for a signal to walk when there are no cars in sight. I think what may even worse than that are people who manage to get hit or almost get hit by buses and trains. It sucks because I know of people who've died freom things like that, but at the same time I never understand how people miss objects as large as those traveling at such fast paces and making such loud noises. But I guess things happen!

2) Getting a jaywalking ticket!

Another thing is really stupid is the idea of people getting pulled over for jaywalking. First of all, a jaywalking ticket is expensive, or at least so I've heard. I've never had a jaywalking ticket. I've only seen one jaywalking ticket justified. Some bizarre white girl didn't want to stop and look both ways for traffic and almost got owned by a soccer mom in a minivan. I was actually kinda upset at first that no one really saw it but me, but a cop came out of nowhere and gave her a ticket. I thought it was hilarious. It would have been funnier if she got owned by the minivan though too. Especially seeing as how she almost knocked over two people on a bike to even get to the street in the first place. She would've had it coming. But the ticket served just fine. Now, I'm not going to tell you to run from the law, but if you notice a cop about to give you a jaywalking ticket, just run. What are they gonna do, call in back up for a runaway jaywalker? Do you really think a cop is gonna get out his car and search for someone who ran inside a building to avoid a ticket? No. Cops really don't give a damn. Their too busy thinking about their next meal or donut to give you a walking ticket.

3) Going home with Ugly People!

I know that this happens to the drunk people who come home after the last call at bars, and that this doesn't apply to everyone. But everyone, this is on the list of things that shouldn't happen period! My freshman year in school, I noticed people just walking out of bars with random people that would make them naw their arms off if the ended up doing something with them that night. So I decided to make a group that would encourage people to drink with friends and go out with friends all the time so that incidents like that would never happen because Friends don't let friends take home Ugly People!

4) Paying your boyfriend/ girlfriend to break up with you!

So I was reading a post on which is truly hilarious if you ever get a chance to read it. I saw this post where this guy had been paying his girl's cell phone bill. She asked him to add more minutes to the account because she had run out. After he did it, she called him to let him know that she was breaking up with him and that there was someone else. People need not to ignore the writing on the wall. Usually when people break up, they start realizing that they were breaking up longer than they were really in a serious, committed relationship. So if a couple of three years broke up today, they were probably breaking up for about a 6 to 18 months. Break ups just don't happen when a person decides they want it to be over. Do yourself and your wallet/ purse a favor, pay attention to detail.

5) Going into the Wild without being prepared!

So today I realized that people do eff'd up things all the time. Things that should be fun, end up being truly tragic events. Things like swimming in an ocean, going hiking, or even going camping can be moments where people truly fail at life. The reasons that humans are at the top of the food chain is because we have intelligence. We are smarter than most of the creatures found on Earth. But when we give up thinking, we become second to other creatures like wolves and bears! Its smart to go camping with family/ friends as long as there is as loaded weapon to protect you from starving hungry violent animals. It's not smart to go camping with family/ friends and give the only weapon to a person who is an animal rights activist. That's how people get there arms and legs torn off by hungry bears and wolves. Somebody got owned because someone was afraid of a little heat from the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF).

Other things that should NEVER happen to you:

Getting pulled over in a motor vehicle by an officer on a bicycle.

Getting robbed in broad daylight.

Being grown a falling out of tree.

Getting caught driving a Geo.

There are plenty more, the fact that I can't think of them means that they should NEVER happen to you.

If you see any of the two, just run! Shoot the Bear though. It's either gonna be you or him!